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Ligusterweg │ D-59425 Unna

+49(0)2303 968660  |

Ligusterweg │ D-59425 Unna

+49(0)2303 968660  |

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GutHoeing Geschichte

Worth knowing about our hotel in Unna

The beginnings

The history of the Gut Höing estate begins towards the end of the 18th century, with the building of the first farmhouse. In this period, families usually had many children. The family lived on the vast estates, together with the domestics, i.e. their maids and farmhands.

The stately mansion has survived the centuries, but an increasing number of the rooms came out of use in the course of the time.

The hotel project

So it happened in 1970 that friends asked us whether some of their acquaintances might spend the night in the vacant rooms.

In this way, the project "Hotel Gut Höing" came into being.

The same year, the idea was realized, and the former "maids' chambers" were transformed into the first hotel rooms.

In 1974, the former stables became the 8 rooms and ten apartments of the Dependance, which have been partially restored in 2006.

In 1989, the former domestics' rooms and store rooms were transformed into 29 spacious and individually furnished rooms.

Rustic furniture and accessories inherited from various generations may be found all over the complex.


Traditions change

While the "lord of the manor" manages the agricultural aspects of the farm life, his wife takes care of the hotel life which is led in familiar style.


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Package Night Watchman Tour


A guided tour with the Night Watchman in Unna

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